Roy Harris has been a journalist for some of the nation’s most respected news publications, including The Wall Street Journal and CFO Magazine. His latest book is .
For the sake of our democracy America needs a strong, independent press more than ever these days. With all the problems faced by our journalists today, can we count on them in the future to be a watchdog and a voice for the public? Roy Harris, a former long-time Wall Street Journal reporter and author of “Pulitzer’s Gold: A Century of Public Service Journalism,” returns to talk about his hope for journalism, and his belief that young people still want to make a difference in the American media.Says Bob Woodward of “Pulitzer’s Gold,” a book that talks about the reporting that goes into investigative and other journalism:
“Roy Harris is the master historian of the Pulitzer Prize. He has written the real inside story of the most serious journalism of the last century and provided a brilliant portrait of America. Know your journalism, and you will know your country and its values.”