Pam Wilmot is the Executive Director of .
The 2010 US Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United has unleashed a flood of corporate cash into our
already outrageously expensive political campaigns. This talk will examine the impact of the decision and
what needs to be done to reverse it.
Common Cause has been leading an effort this election season to pass a non-binding public policy question that will appear on the ballot this November in 33 state representative districts and six state senate districts (approximately 35% of all voters). The question, known as the Democracy Amendment Question, calls on our political leaders to support a Constitutional amendment that (1) asserts that rights granted by the Constitution are granted to individuals, not to corporations, and (2) that the Congress and the states should be legally empowered to prevent excessive campaign spending by corporations, unions, and individuals.
The grassroots movement across the country that has developed in the wake of Citizens United is a driving force behind important reforms that aim to make our political system more responsive and more just.