Judy Norsigian, as Executive Director of , has been an eloquent spokesperson about issues on gender politics, and how they define and limit women’s role and contributions to society. She addresses issues of women and health care reform, abortion and contraception, childbirth genetics and reproductive technologies. As our country’s politics veer to the right, Judy Norsigian will reflect on what the immediate future may bring.What shapes the public discourse about sexual and reproductive health? Where can we find trustworthy information? What are current obstacles to access and high quality care? What can we do about these challenges? This talk will explore several controversial areas and describe how some activists are responding.Transnational commercial surrogacy and egg donation (two of the issues being addressed) pose several ethical challenges. For example, when do excessive incentives become a form of coercion? How can young women provide true informed consent regarding egg provision in the absence of good data regarding safety of some of the drugs routinely used?